No, not that one. God, what's wrong with you? This is respectable company we're talking about- he's an academic. You disgust me. I meant Career.
I have friends making the deadline for grad-scheme applications, friends comfortably setting up businesses and idly considering how much they're going to pay themselves, and friends lining up contacts for post-university networking. I don't know when you all started deciding what you wanted to do with your lives, but it would have been polite for one of you to give me a nudge, or to have at least told me to get out of bed. I mean really.
Me not knowing what to do with myself is hardly ground-breaking, but it's starting to get kinda important. I can pretty much rule out engineering, Japanese translating and piloting. I would suck at those jobs. So that narrows it down a bit, which is a nice start. Further than this though, I'm falling short of ideas. Suggestions welcome (seriously).
What I think I'll do, unless I unearth some unmissable opportunity, is take myself off one one of those gap-yahs I've been pining after for the last three years. Is that cheating? I don't care. If I structure it properly, I can build myself up a little stock of life experiences- and I might even be a little closer to knowing what I'd love to be doing at the end of it all. Filling a year with travel, lots of work experience, internships and more writing seems my best bet. I don't have to be tied to a place, I can satiate my itchy feet and (more importantly) I can buy myself some time before the real world hits.
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